Mrs. Miller: So lost on how to feel.....
Mrs. Miller: This room is so lonely
Mrs. Miller: I feel like something is coming but I just don't know what it is!
Mrs. Miller: I feel..... strangely enough... FREE!!!!
Mrs. Miller: From now on I will and always love to live for myself!!!!! =D
Josephine: Hey sis I really need to talk to you.... If you stay in your room forever you will get ill!
Mrs. Miller: Go away. I am not making myself ill!!
Mrs. Miller: Well I do know that I will NOT need this
reason being is because...
Mrs. Miller: So I was doing some thinking and I believe I need a vacation and I found this site: looks like a blast!!
Josephine: Sis I would really like to see you to make sure that you are okay!
Mrs. Miller: I am fine and I'll be out soon :)
Mrs. Miller: So nice to see that I have such supportive friends and family. -with Richards and
Mrs. Miller: Alright I better go so I can enjoy my new life!.... Someone is opening my front door
better go see who it is. :) Hope to talk to you all soon. Bye :)
I really like the humor in the memes :)