There are multiple similarities and differences between "Bartleby, The Scrivener " by Herman Melville and "A & P" by John Updike. I'm going to tell you about the role of the boss/manager of how they similar and how they differ.
In both of the stories the boss does not seem like they know how to handle their job to well. In Bartleby, the Scrivener the boss gets really frustrated with Bartleby because he starts to say "I'd prefer not to." That frustrates the boss so bad to the point that he actually yells at Bartleby a few times instead of handling the situation without any raised tempers and harsh feelings. Also for A & P when the manager is talking to the three young ladies he is very rude and blunt about wearing clothes. I believe that he could have handled the situation much better by the way that he talked to the girls instead of being demeaning towards them.
All-though they both approach their co-workers in rude ways they do differ some in the way they still feel about their co-workers. Even though the boss in Bartleby, the Scrivener gets really frustrated with Bartleby, he still cares. The boss still keeps giving Bartleby more and more chances and Bartleby keeps saying "I'd prefer not to." With A & P the way that the manager treats the young girls and the way that he even approaches the situation he does not seem to be understanding at all and is rude right from the beginning. He doesn't even try to understand where the young girls are coming from and doesn't seem like he does or ever will care.
Jourdan: This doesn't follow directions. First of all, there are 3 points being compared. Second, you don't offer specific textual evidence (quotes and page numbers). Finally, in order for a comparison to work, you have to compare apples to apples. In other words, if you are going to point to how the boss in Bartleby treats his employees, you have to compare that to how the boss in "A & P" treats HIS employees (and not the girls as you've done above).